Friday, June 16, 2017

New Jersey Tiny House Festival

It has definitely been a while since I've written! I've been traveling and super busy, and I have lots of fun things on the horizon that I want to share!

I'm breaking my bloggy hiatus to announce that there will be a tiny house festival near me this weekend! I'm so excited to be able to attend the NJ Tiny House Festival at the Sussex County Fairgrounds. Presented by United Tiny House, the festival promises workshops, and Guest Speakers, including my personal favorite patron saint of tiny dwellings, Deek Diedricksen. Hopefully I can get my battered copy of "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks" signed by him. A friend of mine is super excited about a composting toilet workshop that they will be attending.

As if I wasn't excited enough about this event, on my way to work this morning, I saw a tiny house on the road, on the way to the fair!

Hope to see you there!